Illuminated children/enfants dans la foule
Ce lundi ont a gardé pour la journée Madelaine, Erika et Joshua en plus de notre garçon Diego. On a passé une très belle journée à faire les touristes à Montréal. Nos aventures se sont terminées pas loin de la sculpture de Raymond Mason, La foule illuminée (The illuminated crowd, 1985). J'ai invité les enfants à investir la sculpture. J'aime photographier des enfants et je me suis bien amusé (même si certaines images semblent "sérieuses").
This holiday Monday, we took care of Madelaine, Erika and Joshua. With our son Diego, we went on a walking visit of downtown Montreal, ending up in front of The illuminated crowd by sculptor Raymond Mason. I asked the children to play around and through the sculpture. It's always a fun challenge to take good portraits of kids. Although some of the pix look "serious", we all had a jolly good time.
This holiday Monday, we took care of Madelaine, Erika and Joshua. With our son Diego, we went on a walking visit of downtown Montreal, ending up in front of The illuminated crowd by sculptor Raymond Mason. I asked the children to play around and through the sculpture. It's always a fun challenge to take good portraits of kids. Although some of the pix look "serious", we all had a jolly good time.