Test pour un nouveau titre avec une illustration de Julien Poitras. |
Manuscript de 128 pages avec revisions finales, the end is here. |
Un nouveau collage pour le chapitre final. |
Une planche de Stanley Wany pour le chapitre 5. Écris par Marc-Olivier Lavertu, ce chapitre raconte une journée marquante pour MarcO en Afrique du Sud. |
I have just gone through the main script and reviewed the text, apart from this being a very organic way to work, like a sculpture, I have been adding a word here, changing a few phrases there. Mostly I have worked on the end. Now it's almost time to let it go. This is mostly a photo-novel with two chapters in comic form drawn by Stanley Wany and Jean-Claude Amyot and they both look fantastic. Stanley takes place in South Africa and is written by Marc-Olivier Lavertu. The script that I wrote on the passing of Marc-Olivier and that Jean-Claude is illustrating, is one of the best I have written since MAC TIN TAC.